The online event aims to support enormous opportunities that system working presents.
This annual face-to-face event for all staff working in ICBs will offer keynotes and case studies.
NHS trusts in England are struggling under a regulatory system that is becoming increasingly burdensome, according to a report from NHS Providers.
NHS trusts are struggling under an increasingly burdensome and duplicative regulatory system, according to a report from NHS Providers.
Patients requiring treatment outside of hospitals are to be given a choice of multiple providers across the NHS and independent sector, the government has announced.
Integrated care boards need to go further in delegating funding to place level, according to NHS Providers.
NHS England has published guidance for integrated care boards (ICBs) on how to fully establish and develop at least one women’s health hub within the ICB by the end of December 2024.
Workshop: Midlands CHC provider collaborative
This briefing pulls out key points from all documents within the 2024/25 operational planning and contracting guidance pack.
NHS England has released guidance to support integrated care boards to develop a ‘clear and well planned’ 10-year strategy for infrastructure.