We look forward to seeing you at this upcoming 'Introduction to NHS Finance' event.
The NHS Strategy Unit, specialist analyst unit hosted by NHS Midlands and Lancashire, is running a free event online on 3 October looking at contracting for health outcomes.
An overview of commissioning for specialised services, and the move of responsibility for some specialised areas to integrated care boards.
A new single joint commissioning committee was launched in Wales on April 1.
From April, some integrated care boards will take on full delegation of specialised services.
This briefing explores how NHS finance staff can contribute to commissioning approaches which help reduce health inequalities.
NHS England has published the final NHS standard contract and contract technical guidance for 2024/25 following a recent consultation.
An overview of the commissioning of secondary & tertiary healthcare from NHS providers under the NHS payment scheme & NHS standard contract.
NHS England has published a framework summarising commissioning guidance relating to mental health inpatient provision.
The HFMA has responded to the consultation on the changes to the NHS standard contract for 2024/25