Addressing health inequalities
Resources to help NHS finance staff take a leading role in addressing health inequalities.
HFMA Awards 2024
Nominations for the addressing health inequalities through NHS finance action award category are open until Friday 27 September.
Not only within the NHS, but globally there is a recognition now of the clear case for tackling health inequalities from the perspectives of the economics and the business case… Whatever time, energy or investment we put into addressing health inequalities is a win-win for people, communities, and for us as a healthcare system.
Professor Bola Owolabi, director - national healthcare inequalities improvement programme, NHS England and GP (from the HFMA annual conference 2023)
Health inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in health between different groups of people. This could be differences in access to care, experience of care, or health outcomes, for instance with men in the most deprived areas having a life expectancy of almost 10 years less than those living in the least deprived areas.
Addressing health inequalities is a major priority for the NHS in recent years. The finance function has a major role to play in this both nationally and locally but taking this agenda forward, especially in the current difficult financial environment, is a significant challenge
This page outlines all of the HFMA's health inequalities resources. To find out more, contact [email protected].
Introducing the HFMA health inequalities finance fellows
In November 2023 the HFMA, supported by NHS England, launched its first cohort of health inequalities finance fellows (HIFFs).
The HIFFs programme lasts for 12 months, during which time the HIFFs will further develop their understanding of healthcare inequalities and their ability to influence and bring about positive change.
Across the programme, the HIFFs will form a network that comes together to share ideas and spread best practice in tackling healthcare inequalities. They attend monthly network events with external speakers, have access to training and resources, and will be supported to produce case studies on the work that their finance teams are doing. The HFMA will then share and promote best practice identified in these case studies.
We have selected 48 people to take part. All the HIFFs are qualified accountants, and around a third are directors or deputy directors of finance. There is a good representation from across the country, with most integrated care systems and all NHS regions having at least one HIFF.
The HIFFs programme is supported by NHS England’s Healthcare Inequality Improvement Programme, and runs alongside NHS England’s Core20PLUS Ambassador scheme.
As part of their involvement, HIFFs have access to health inequalities training and resources which are available to the Core20PLUS Ambassadors, as well as resources and networking opportunities from the HFMA which focus more closely on finance.
Learn about health inequalities with HFMA bitesize
The HFMA has a series of online bitesize courses around different elements of health inequalities. Each of them are free to all staff in the NHS. Access them via the links below:
This explainer gives tips on how to approach a financial strategy and helps teams assess how well they’re supporting work on health inequalities.
This map provides a quick reference guide to key guidance documents, national statistics and data focusing on specific areas of health inequality.
This briefing explores how NHS finance staff can contribute to commissioning approaches which help reduce health inequalities.
This case study explores how Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland CCGs aligned primary care funding with population need.
A case study on the Bolton quality contract that looks at how it incentivises organisations to improve health inequalities.
This briefing explores how the NHS uses financial incentives to encourage organisations to tackle health inequalities.
All investment decisions in the NHS have an impact on health inequalities. How can business cases help us consider the impact?
This briefing explores the work that finance teams are doing to help reduce health inequalities.
News, articles and blogs
A new programme aims to understand the finance role in tackling health inequalities and share ideas and good practice.
Four years of well-resourced alcohol care teams have paid dividends in the West Midlands in terms of reduced admissions and length of stay.
Prevention activities should be seen as essential services that can help meet the immediate pressures facing the NHS.
Supporting people to stop smoking has obvious benefits for individuals but would also reduce the burden on existing NHS capacity
Obesity is a big problem in the UK, with significant impacts on people’s long-term health. But a new national scheme is providing help via an app.
The HFMA Hub reflects on a successful year of events and content. We've curated the top-rated sessions as voted by you, our HFMA members.
On-demand and upcoming events
A list of content from previous events, as well as upcoming events focused around health inequalities