Event / HFMA Yorkshire and Humber Branch - Raising accountability

12:00, 19 June 2024 Online

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The Yorkshire and Humber branch would like to invite you to a series of Lunch and Learn Neuroscience webinars the second one been Raising Accountability taking place on the 19th June 2024 12:00-13:00 online via ZOOM.


The current economic crisis is placing an increasing demand on leaders to be accountable and to raise the accountability of their people. But what does this really mean?

Compassionate power

Leaders and managers need to demonstrate compassionate power. This requires a ‘firm-hand’ that is balanced by a supportive, empathic, and understanding relationship. It requires clarity about what is expected while providing sufficient autonomy. It means clarifying the consequences of failing to meet expectations, while maintaining a caring and empathic rapport. This requires a very specific set of mindsets, habits and behaviours.

Highly interactive and insightful

We identify strengths and potential blindspots in relation to Raising Accountability. All participants complete a Work Preferences Questionnaire and receive their own Raising Accountability report specifying the traits for effective performance, as well as the traits that can undermine performance, including those which appear under stress.

Exploring tensions and paradoxes

We explore the tensions that exist when Raising Accountability. A behavioural paradox has two opposing or contradictory traits that are in fact complimentary, and synergistic. We explore the four key paradoxes that need to be balanced for effectiveness at driving performance.

Participants engage in practical exercises to drive deep insight so they can explore the mindsets, habits and behaviours they need to adjust in order to become even more effective.

Awareness motivates change

This profound insight gives participants permission to let go of ineffective behaviours, and practise new and more effective ways of interacting with others. It also raises awareness and understanding of the ways in which our behaviours change in times of stress.

The sudden increase in remote working is creating stress and this workshop increases managers ability to raise accountability while maintaining and increasing rapport – reducing a threat response.

This unique workshop increases self-awareness at a profound level and motivates participants to develop new behaviours to make them even more effective at work, especially during challenging times.

The ZOOM details will be shared a week before the event.

Speaker - Tom Flatau

CPD accredited
CPD accredited logo
Contact details
Laura Hill
Occupational level
Band 2 to 6 finance Band 7+ finance Senior finance/board-level