Event / HFMA Yorkshire and Humber Branch - Team empowerment

12:00, 13 November 2024 Online

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The Yorkshire and Humber branch would like to invite you to a series of Lunch and Learn Neuroscience webinars the third one been Team Empowerment taking place on the 13th November 2024 12:00-13:00 online via ZOOM.


Research shows that teams with an illdefined structure, unclear purpose or lack of ‘norms’ lead to poor morale, relationship issues and low team performance. Yet, get the basics right and you will empower everyone to contribute fully to the team’s success.

We start by introducing delegates to a simple yet powerful team assessment framework so they can avoid the traps that so many teams fall into. They also draw on their own experiences of best vs worst teams.

Five dysfunctions of a team: we introduce delegates to Lencioni’s “trust pyramid” so they understand the five elements that must be in place for a successful team.

Connect and engage: we show how to really listen and actively seek out different opinions, build relationships and work towards shared objectives.

Discover your team’s core purpose and set WISE™ team goals: Use this powerful process to empower your team, ensuring they set relevant goals, and understand the value of their contribution.

Transform your team leadership style: know how and when to adapt your leadership and influencing style to empower each individual to make the most of their talents and enhance the overall success of the team.

The ZOOM details will be shared a week before the event.

Speaker - Tom Flatau


CPD accredited
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Contact details
Laura Hill
Occupational level
Band 2 to 6 finance Band 7+ finance Senior finance/board-level