Briefing / Developing system working through changes to the NHS financial regime (summary report)

01 December 2020 Sarah Day
1 CPD hour
In June 2020, the HFMA published a discussion paper  which set out a number of areas where the association believed that beneficial changes could be made to the financial regime for the NHS in England, as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The discussion paper was supported by a survey to enable HFMA members and other interested parties to share their views on the proposals. 

As the NHS begins to set out its intentions for its future form, this short briefing builds on the discussion paper and sets out the key changes that are needed to support the continued development of effective system working. This includes a consideration of the contracting arrangements that are needed to underpin this approach as the financial regime is developed for 2021/22 and beyond. 

A longer briefing has been published alongside which gives greater detail on the recommendations included in this paper and also includes feedback from the surveys. The briefing also addresses areas such as the NHS long term plan; capital regime; financial governance and business planning; procurement; and workforce.
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