Briefing / Summary of Joining up care for people, places and populations

11 February 2022 Sarah Day
1 CPD hour

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Joining up care for people, places and populations sets out a vision to join up planning, commissioning, and delivery across health and adult social care. 

The white paper sets out a number of areas where improvements can be made, building on existing policies and plans in many cases. There is a strong focus on integrated working at a place level as it is thought that that is the scale at which joint action is most effective. It states that β€˜the truly radical possibilities in this agenda are much more likely to be identified and realised by local organisations than through central prescription.’

This briefing summarises the key points in the white paper. The original document should be referred to for further detail.

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Additional documents

Summary of the Health and Care Bill
Summary of People at the heart of care: adult social care reform

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