Coach / Monita Rajpal

HFMA coach

Monita, a certified life coach and former anchor at CNN, brings two decades of international news broadcast expertise to her transformative coaching. Recognising the impact of asking the right questions, intuitive listening, as well as using creative strategies, Monita propels clients toward breakthroughs and new perspectives.

Why Monita?

  • Proven Success: With a rich background in a high-stakes, demanding field, Monita understands the pressures of success and the conflict between external expectations and personal vision.
  • Interviewed Icons: Monita has interviewed heads of state, chief executives, global celebrities, and change-makers, bringing a wealth of insights to her coaching practice.
  • Tailored Coaching: Monita's approach is personalised, addressing each client's unique challenges. Her coaching cultivates clarity, self-assurance, and empowerment for thriving in both professional and personal spheres.
  • Results-Focused: Rooted in empathy, compassion, and kindness, Monita's coaching delivers tangible results. By working with clients to take real action towards their goals, clients gain agency over their lives, making choices that are authentic, powerful, and aligned with their aspirations.

    Monita is passionate about helping clients navigate challenges with confidence and clarity, overcome imposter syndrome, and believe