Corporate partnership / IQVIA

Working with 260 NHS organisations, IQVIA is uniquely placed to support your part of the NHS in improving patient care to provide maximum benefits to the population.

Get in touch if you want to hear more or would like a free review to help realise several £Ms of improvements.

Our expertise is vast. Ranging from market leading staff feedback, patient experience & PROMs solutions (used in over 250 organisations) through to our user friendly and visually appealing 100% NCC compliant PLICS solution (used by over 90 trusts) which has allowed for all submissions to be made on time and in full. Our benchmarking solution continues to receive plaudits while our Clinical Coding Analytical solution is ideal for trusts/ICSs looking to drive informed decision making and identify improvements for better care provision.

Working with IQVIA will help you improve patient outcomes at better value for your organisation.

Become a corporate partner

To find out more about becoming a corporate partner, speak to a member of our team today

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