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Event / Mental health and learning disabilities online forum 2024: key updates from the sector

10:45, 13 June 2024 1 day Online

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About this event

This dynamic online forum is designed as a chance for those working in the sector to hear from policy experts and gain access to recent updates over an extended lunch break from the office.

This event is aimed at all NHS finance staff and clinicians working in mental health and community NHS and social care settings.

Session content

Jun 13

    Welcome address from the chair

    Adrian Snarr   / Executive director of finance, estates and resources and Deputy chair of the HFMA Mental health and learning disabilities network , South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS FT

    Andy will join delegates today to share his reflections on the planning guidance as well as exploring what impacts the funding allocations in the service could have on patients.

    He will also expand on the work that the centre for mental health are doing in collaboration with other partners to support the NHS and lobby for better investment and outcomes for patients

    Andy Bell   / Chief executive , The Centre for Mental Health

    Sam will provide an update on the development of Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental Resource Groups (MHNRGs), how these have been designed in collaboration with clinicians.

    Sam will update on the current progress and next steps in currencies development.

    Sam Stringer   / Deputy head of mental health – infrastructure programme lead , NHS England

    In this session, Liz will provide a comprehensive update on the state of mental health inpatient services. She will cover areas including policy changes, regulatory frameworks and the quality standards impacting inpatient care.

    NHS England are developing a 5 year strategy to address issues such as improving access, equity, and inclusivity within mental health services as well as further developing patient-centered care approaches.

    No slides were used for this session.

    Liz Durrant   / Deputy Director of Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Quality , NHS England

    The Synergi-Leeds Partnership is a citywide approach where the focus has been to tackle the long-standing issue of the overrepresentation of people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities admitted to crisis mental health services or detained under the Mental Health Act. It began in 2017 as a collaboration between Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds City Council’s Public Health team and other VCS services.

    Initially supported by the Synergi Collaborative Centre and latterly by Words of Colour, the partnership uses Synergi and Words of Colour's ‘Creative Spaces’ model to host co-produced events and programmes that champion the voices of people with lived experience, challenge systemic and structural racism and discrimination, and galvanise people to act.

    Join Joy and Sharon as they share the key learning points and main challenges from the co-produced initiative, including access to funding, and how they work with divergence to encourage solution-focused conversations across systems and communities. Sharon and Joy will also reveal what they hope the legacy of this work will be as well as their future ambitions.

    Joy Francis   / Executive Director, Words of Colour , Words of Colour
    Sharon Prince   / Consultant Clinical & Forensic Psychologist and Deputy Director Psychological Professions , Leeds & York NHS Partnership Foundation Trust

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  • 80% refund up to two weeks before the first day of the event
  • 50% refund between two weeks and two days before the first day of the event
  • No refund where cancellation is received with less than two days’ notice
  • Tickets can be substituted up until the day prior to the event start, to allow a colleague to attend in place of the original registrant.
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Mental health