HFMA ethical code
The fundamental principles which members are expected to apply and observe in the public interest.
1 About this Code
1.1 This Code may be reviewed and updated from time to time by the Board. Please make sure that you refer at all times to the current version of this Code on this page.
1.2 Although this Code does not form part of the Articles of Association of the Association (the 'Articles'), the words and expressions defined in the Articles have the same meaning when used in this Code.
2 The Code in practice
2.1 The Code consists of fundamental principles which members are expected to apply and observe in the public interest, in order to build and promote confidence and the highest standards in the work of healthcare finance management.
2.2 The Code applies at all times to members' conduct and work in healthcare finance management.
2.3 The Code may also be taken into consideration where a member's conduct or behaviour in other contexts could reasonably be considered to reflect on his or her membership of this association.
2.4 This Code itself is not a set of rules and conduct that falls short of the Code may not necessarily constitute misconduct. However, the Code will be taken into account if a member's conduct is called into question and action is taken in accordance with the association's Disciplinary rules.
3 The principles
The principles governing the conduct of a member of the association are set out below.
3.1 Honesty and integrity
3.1.1 Act with honesty, truthfulness and good faith.
3.1.2 Show respect, courtesy and consideration for others.
3.1.3 Avoid conflict between private self-interest and that of employer or clients.
3.1.4 Fulfil the duties of trust owed by reason of the any appointment or appointment held.
3.1.5 Uphold standards of integrity and fair dealing required for the effective functioning of healthcare finance management.
3.2 Independence
3.2.1 Make professional judgements and give opinions and statements in an impartial manner.
3.2.2 Fulfil any obligations to report information or reasonable concerns to relevant authorities.
3.2.3 Do not allow bias or undue influence to compromise independence.
3.3 Competence
3.3.1 Comply with the technical and professional standards expected, not only as a member of the association but also by virtue of the seniority and responsibility of any position held.
3.3.2 Carry out duties with reasonable care and skill.
3.4 Confidentiality
3.4.1 Refrain from disclosing or using for any improper purpose confidential information obtained in the course of employment, business activities or duties or through membership of the association.
3.5 Compliance
3.5.1 Comply with employer or client regulations and requirements and the laws, regulations and conventions of the countries and markets in which business is transacted.
3.5.2 Comply with legal and regulatory obligations and the codes or requirements of other professional bodies that may apply.
3.5.3 Deal with the association, other professional bodies, regulators and ombudsmen in an open, timely and co-operative manner.
3.6 Gifts and hospitality
3.6.1 Do not accept gifts, services or hospitality in any way which could affect, or which might appear to affect, a member's judgement or the proper performance of that member's duties.