Event / Healthcare in the community forum 2024

09:10, 9 July 2024 1 day Online

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About this event

This inaugural online forum for the healthcare in the community network provides attendees with an update on key topics for community trusts. The event covers an update on virtual wards, national policy updates and case studies.

Session content

Jul 09

    The session will consider the broad principles of health economics and explain why health economics can be helpful in making decisions about investment in health care. An example economic analysis exploring the costs and consequences of the deployment of Virtual Wards will be discussed. The case study will be used to demonstrate how economic analysis can provide health care commissioners, financial planners and clinicians with useful information. It will also show how decision makers can take into account uncertainty in data inputs to consider different scenarios.

    Nick Hex   / Associate director , York Health Economics Consortium

    Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, in partnership with the acute, mental health, third sector, and local authority, launched the Home Ward (frailty) (delivering virtual ward, Hospital at Home) in 2019 and has worked with partners to develop the offer over the last 5 years. The Home Ward (frailty) provides acute care to people who can treated at home rather than needing a hospital stay. Leeds Community Healthcare is also working as a key partner in the Leeds Health and Care Partnership HomeFirst Programme, which is improving the intermediate care offer in Leeds to deliver better outcomes for people and better value.

    During this session Megan and Andrea will talk about the collaborative journey to support people at home, approaches to finance and benefits realisation, where the Home Ward is today and the outlook.

    Andrea Osborne   / Interim director of finance & resources , Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
    Megan Rowlands   / Programme director , HomeFirst, Leeds Health & Care Partnership

    Despite successive governments repeating a vision of health and care services focused on communities rather than hospitals, that vision is very far from being achieved. The King’s Fund set out the underlying factors that have prevented change, and what might need to be done to achieve the vision.

    Beccy Baird   / Senior fellow in health policy , The King's Fund

Refund policy

  • 80% up to two weeks before the first day of the event
  • 50% refund between two weeks and two days before the first day of the event
  • No refund where cancellation is received with less than two days’ notice
  • Tickets can be substituted up until the day prior to the event start, to allow a colleague to attend in place of the original registrant.
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