Event / Managing change

13:30, 29 January 2021

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About this webinar

During this webinar, we explore the nature of change and look at some useful tools and techniques for helping us to deliver successful change. We look at a number of change models, and explore tools and techniques for helping overcome resistance to change. We also take the opportunity to share practical examples where managing change has worked well and also some examples that have been useful to learn from.

Watch today 

This webinar is free to watch on-demand for all. Just click the "Watch" button above that will take you to the webinar page. You will need to create a free BrightTALK login on the following website to access the content.

If you have any issues accessing the content or any other queries, please email [email protected]. We are working to make our content more accessible, in the meantime we are able to provide details on live captioning for our webinars. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Please click the link below for the video from the webinar.

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Please click here for a link to the webinar video.

CPD accredited webinar
This webinar has CPD accredited status with The CPD Standards Office. Delegates that attend will receive an accredited CPD Certificate of Attendance. 

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  • Brian Stables