Event / Auditors' work on VFM arrangements under the new Code of Audit Practice

14:30, 23 October 2020

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About this webinar

Suzy Smith and Andrew Kendrick from the NAO join us to host this webinar. They will set out the main aims of the new approach to auditors’ work on value for money (VFM) arrangements under the new Code of Audit Practice (the Code), highlighting changes in the way auditors approach and report their work and providing an opportunity to ask questions. The new Code came into force on 1 April 2020 and applies to audits of local bodies’ 2020-21 financial statements onwards. Detailed auditor guidance notes (AGNs) support the code and, further to consultation, the guidance on auditor's work on arrangements to secure VFM (AGN3) will be released this month.

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This webinar is free to watch on-demand for all. Just click the "Watch" button above that will take you to the webinar page. You will need to create a free BrightTALK login on the following website to access the content.


  • Suzy Smith