Briefing / Creating efficiencies by optimising patient pathways

04 July 2023 Hayley Ringrose
1 CPD hour

In summer 2022, One NHS Finance expanded the NHS Finance Innovation Programme submission process to collect examples of clinical transformation which would be published on the HFMA website and included in future editions of the NHS value and efficiency map. Submissions must include top tips for other organisations embarking on clinical transformation projects.

This case study outlines how the memory service at North Staffordshire Combined NHS Trust worked with the costing team to identify and address bottlenecks in the clinical pathways which were delaying access, assessment and diagnosis of patients. Following a structured EVO (Engagement Value Outcome) framework the Trust was able to reduce CT scan referrals from the service by 30% and reduce the did-not-attend rate for outpatient appointments.

At the start of the project, the average unit price for patients attending the memory service was £280.93. Through a combination of direct cost savings and efficiency and productivity gains arising from the revised pathway, this figure reduced to £205.12 in the review period.

The case study concludes with ‘top tips’ that are not specific to this service and could be translated to clinical transformation projects.

•  Working collaboratively across multi-disciplinary teams is essential for identifying
opportunities to delivery services more effectively.
•  Having senior clinical members of staff in an organisation who take an interest in patient level costing provides leverage and sends positive messages to the wider organisation about the interaction of improving efficiency and productivity with improvements in patient care and patient experience.
• Using a structured approach such as EVO helps to keep projects focused on outcomes.

If you would like to submit details of a clinical transformation in your organisation, you can do so at any time via a form on the One NHS Finance website.

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