Integrated health and social care game

This game allows participants to understand the role that different organisations have in the system, both as individual corporations, and as a whole health economy.


The public sector continues to face challenges in terms of increasing demand with limited resources for health and social care services. NHS bodies are working closely together with local authorities and other organisations in Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to improve the patient experience and provide services more efficiently and effectively. After years of working as independent organisations to meet their own objectives, a key challenge faced by ICSs is understanding the impact an organisation’s decision has, on the whole health and social care system.
This game allows participants to understand the role that different organisations have in the system, both as individual corporations, and as a whole health economy. Unlike real life, this game provides the opportunity for participants to see what happens if different decisions are made.

Each team has four players who will represent a body in the healthcare economy, a Primary Care Network (PCN), acute trust, mental health trust, community trust and a local authority. The Integrated Care Board (ICB) will be represented by the facilitators.

Learning outcomes

For NHS and NHS suppliers
•    Understanding the different bodies in the health economy and the relationship between them
•    Understanding the different roles that different bodies have as well as their differing objectives
•    How patients move through the healthcare system
•    How health and social care services are paid for • How financial and clinical decisions are made
•    How financial and clinical decisions impact on the performance of the NHS provider body both in terms of finance and quality of care
•    The effect financial and clinical decisions have on other bodies in the health economy
•    The impact decisions made on a system wide basis can have on the whole health economy

Want to know more?

Please contact the team on 0117 457 3990 or email us.