Briefing / Summary of 2023/24 priorities and operational planning guidance

05 January 2023 Hayley Ringrose
1 CPD hour

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NHS England has published the 2023/24 priorities and operational planning guidance.

The guidance recognises the challenges that the NHS has faced in the past year which were not expected when the 2022/23 priorities were published in December 2021 and acknowledges that 2023/24 will be another challenging year.

The guidance reflects the new ways of working and freedom for local decision making arising from establishment of statutory integrated care systems (ICSs) and integrated care boards (ICBs) from 1 July 2022. As a consequence It includes only those targets deemed necessary to meet the national objectives of recovering core services and productivity, making progress in delivering the key ambitions in the NHS long term plan, and continuing to transform the NHS for the future.

Emerging themes focus on continuing to ensure the best outcomes for patients and the wider population by addressing health inequalities and improving access to services. Developing the workforce and creating a robust digital infrastructure are noted as core components of achieving the national priorities.

This briefing summarises the key points from the guidance. The guidance should be referred to for the full detail.
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