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Case study / Achieving best possible value for musculoskeletal services across a health system

31 August 2023 Hayley Ringrose
1 CPD hour

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There is increasing pressure and challenge on organisations and wider systems to achieve financial sustainability whilst faced with growing demand for high-quality services. As one solution, many are turning to the concept of value based healthcare which delves into the question of how to allocate finite resources in a way that maximise outcomes for the patient, the health system and the wider population. There are a number of different tools and resources to help them find ways to answer the question. This case study describes how the Sussex health system have approached this for their musculoskeletal services. Working with key stakeholders and using the Best Possible Value (BPV) Decision Framework the system has co-designed a pathway for patients with osteoarthritis which reduces unwarranted clinical variation across the system and adds the most value to the relevant population. The case study describes a process that could be transferred to other services and systems.

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