External contributor / Jack Everington

HFMA mentor

Jack joined the NHS in 2012 as part of the national finance graduate scheme and did placements in financial accounts at East Sussex Healthcare and performance analysis and management accounts at Sussex Community. 

On completion of the scheme and his CIMA qualification, he moved to become a business partner at Oxford University Hospitals. During his five years in the surgery, women’s and oncology division, he gained a depth of valuable experience of business partnering with clinical services, line management, preparing business cases and analysis of income and activity. He also worked to develop a new suite of reports for both internal use in finance and for budget holder reporting and was heavily involved in the reporting and GL aspects of moving to Oracle Fusion. 

In 2020 he was appointed head of finance for NOTSSCaN, the largest of the four clinical divisions at Oxford University Hospitals, with annual turnover in excess of £320m per year. He is particularly passionate about providing financial education for all staff groups in the NHS.