Branch / Northern Ireland Branch

Get involved

Here at HFMA Northern Ireland Branch we have over 250 members, which includes a growing student population. We are delighted to have such a strong following locally, a wealth of knowledge and experience for us all to drawn on. That said, we have ambitious plans, and we are continuously working to not only retain but grow our membership locally.

The HFMA Northern Ireland Branch Committee comprises 18 members from the healthcare function across Northern Ireland.

What makes the branch unique?

Dedicated student support

Supporting the NI student network is a key aim of the branch, to which aim Madeleine Crawford is available as our Student Representative.

In-person events

We aim to hold up to 5 events per year that provide personal development and networking opportunities, including our Christmas half-day event with two speakers and lunch.

Branch annual conference

Each year, typically in November, we hold a one day event for colleagues across the region, featuring a selection of speakers and workshops.