Event / HFMA Yorkshire and Humber Branch - Resilience and agility the science of mindset and limiting beliefs

12:00, 23 May 2024 Online

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The Yorkshire and Humber branch would like to invite you to a series of Lunch and Learn Neuroscience webinars the first one been Resilience and agility the science of mindset and limiting beliefs taking place on the 23rd May 2024 12:00-13:00 online via ZOOM.


Some people seem to deal with whatever is thrown at them. Long hours, uncertainty, back-to-back meetings, re-structuring, family demands. They take it in their stride.

Old-school thinking has us believe that these lucky people are born with the ability to deal with stress - while the rest of us struggle to cope with life’s constant demands and overwhelm.

Breaking news. The latest neuroscience and positive psychology research shows that learning to handle stress and develop an optimistic outlook is within everyone’s grasp because we all have the power to literally re-wire our brain!

Just as the brain enables us to learn a musical instrument or a new sport, it can also become hardwired to respond automatically to negative stimuli – such as stress. And such thinking patterns can become entrenched.

The destructive power of stress
The results of stress and a pessimistic outlook are well documented. Impaired immunity, risk of major illness. Stress literally kills brain cells, impacting our performance, relationships and quality of life.

It’s time to switch mindset  People with an optimistic outlook and resilience strategies are more productive, happier, healthier and even live longer. With the right support, it is entirely possible to switch mindset even if you are currently buried deep within negativity.

The ZOOM details will be shared a week before the event.

Speaker - Tom Flatau


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Laura Hill
Occupational level
Band 2 to 6 finance Band 7+ finance Senior finance/board-level