News / CNST to improve link to claims

27 September 2013

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NHS bodies with fewer, less costly claims will in future pay less for their clinical negligence scheme cover, according to the NHS Litigation Authority.

The authority, which manages the clinical negligence scheme for trusts (CNST), announced earlier this year that it is moving away from assessments against risk management standards. 

Achieving higher standards has to date triggered increasing levels of discount on scheme contributions.

The last assessment will be carried out in March next year, although discounts will continue to be paid in 2014/15 as part of the transition to the new system.

The authority said the standards had helped improve processes for risk management in the NHS. However, following recent reports from Robert Francis, Sir Bruce Keogh and Dr Don Berwick on quality issues, it said the time was right to move to a new outcome focused approach.

Authority finance director Tom Fothergill described a new ‘safety and learning service’ to replace the standards and assessments when he addressed the HFMA FT Finance technical forum in September.

Mr Fothergill told Healthcare Finance the service would provide members with support to learn from claims, reduce harm and reduce future claims. A revamped extranet will include a safety and learning library.

‘Our new and improved extranet will provide information about claims to assist trusts to focus on areas where there are high volumes and/or values of claims and take steps to address any areas of concern,’ he said. ‘We will ensure that those organisations with fewer less costly claims pay less for their CNST contributions.’