Feature / The way forward

01 September 2014

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Image removed.The HFMA policy and technical work programme is a key element in the delivery of the association’s goals and in its support of members. It sets out plans ranging from e-learning module updates to surveys and research that can lead to better financial management and patient care.

In July the HFMA board of trustees approved the policy and technical work programme for 2014/15 (1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015). The programme has been designed to contribute to the overall vision of the association to provide ‘better quality healthcare through effective use of resources’ and support the achievement of its strategic objectives.

In developing the programme, the views of HFMA members have been taken on board, as well as trustees and members of the wide range of HFMA committees and groups. As usual, the programme will be kept under review and updated to reflect issues that arise during the year as well as changing priorities. The activities within the work programme are grouped around the HFMA’s five policy themes:

  • Transforming service provision Creating new models for the delivery of affordable, sustainable and high-quality healthcare
  • Building a sustainable financial future Considering new models of funding and payment
  • Knowing the business Understanding costs and developing clinical and financial engagement and collaboration
  • Getting the basics right Delivering financial control and effective governance arrangements
  • Giving a national perspective Giving an overview of the NHS financial picture and contributing to development of the NHS finance profession.

These themes were developed at the beginning of 2013 but remain relevant. In delivering the work programme we will ensure there is a balance across all the themes. We will produce outputs aimed at all those who have an interest in NHS financial matters, including finance staff, board members, clinicians, national NHS organisations and the public. In 2014/15 we plan several projects, including 10 surveys and pieces of research on aspects of NHS finance management and governance. These will inform the HFMA’s views on areas such as:

  • Two NHS Financial temperature check surveys and briefings focusing on the financial challenges facing the NHS
  • The bi-annual finance staff census and finance staff attitudes survey
  • Internal and external audit services
  • The first clinical commissioning group and commissioning support unit financial year-end.

We will also update all e-learning modules, including a significant update of three modules and the development of up to two new ones. We will produce up to 15 new briefings and publications on:

  • Financing capital costs in trusts
  • System leadership
  • The better care fund A revised NHS glossary
  • Delivering NHS services, seven days a week
  • Service transformation
  • A guide to charitable funds
  • Impact of the revenue recognition standard
  • The future of board assurance in the NHS.

We will respond to relevant consultations issued by key stakeholders. We will develop and manage relationships with key stakeholders and undertake joint activities in line with our policy theme areas and the association’s wider objectives.

There are also plans to set up a costing institute to drive and support improvements in costing, develop virtual networks of HFMA members to support our policy and research work and raise our media profile. We are also working on a new website to make it easier for members to track projects in the policy and technical work programme.

We welcome your views about our plans. Early next year, we will survey members to inform development of the 2015/16 programme, but if you have any comments or queries, contact Paul Briddock, HFMA director of policy and technical, at [email protected].

Emma Knowles is HFMA head of policy and research